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21400.3.1.6653 Re: Clouds
2/7/94 17:49 12/ Tony Jones <nova@ibmpcug.co.uk>
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Posted for Frank Aalbers:
In a message of 28 Jan 94 wrote to :
> Does anyone know of a way to make good looking clouds with Imagine? I
> don't mean 3-D clouds, just clouds ala VistaPro & Scenery Animator. Might
> be a good idea for a new texture. :)
Well ! Try making some clouds with Scenery Animator and turn your camera vertically up to the sky . Then render a pcture of it and use it as a brush with the "repeat" gadget and "mirror" gadget on.
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HASTA LA VISTA from Franky !
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21400.3.1.6654 picasso
2/7/94 19:54 13/ Steve Koren <koren@hpfcogv.fc.hp.com>
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> Dear All
> go to the project editor and clip on the "MAKE button (after chosen the
> ILBM12 format and a HIRES format) a requester appears on the project screen
> stating that there is no AA chipset present. Imagine2.9 must check something
Can you render to 24 bit and post-convert to ILBM12? I've found its
best to do all your rendering to 24 bit originals. Then you can convert
to whatever you want later - you get better results anyway from a
dedicated image processor (ImageFX, or whatever your favorite happens to
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- steve
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21400.3.1.6655 Re: picasso
2/7/94 22:25 10/ Jason B Koszarsky <kozarsky@cse.psu.edu>
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>Can you render to 24 bit and post-convert to ILBM12? I've found its
>best to do all your rendering to 24 bit originals. Then you can convert
I haven't actually sat down and timed this but when for me 24 bit renders
always seemed faster than 12bit, 24bit RGB that is. I wondered if all
internal calculations were done in RGB24 and then converted to one of the
others. It may account for the apparent time difference. Anyone know for
Jason K.
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21400.3.1.6656 transparency on brush maps
2/8/94 00:03 9/ tct@cis.ufl.edu
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I am trying to apply a brush map to an object and I want the background of
the brush to be transparent. My brush is a picture of a face, and I don't
want the white background of the brush to show up on the object, just the
face. Do I have to mess around with color 0 on my brush, or maybe do
a transparency mask and a color mask on the object. Do I need to use the
genlock option?
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.../Mailing Lists/Imagine (mail to: imagine@email.sp.paramax.com)
21400.3.1.6657 re: transparency on brush maps
2/8/94 11:54 18/ Stephen Loughran <zorlac@cix.compulink.co.uk>
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On 8th Feb 1994, travis wrote:-
>I am trying to apply a brush map to an object and I want the background of
>the brush to be transparent. My brush is a picture of a face, and I don't
>want the white background of the brush to show up on the object, just the
>face. Do I have to mess around with color 0 on my brush, or maybe do
>a transparency mask and a color mask on the object. Do I need to use the
>genlock option?
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The way i do it is to create a filter map using the full colour
version. i make the background colour 0,0,0 and all the other colours
255,255,255 (make it two colour... it saves room on your HD!)... then
apply the new map as a filter map (with inverse image ON cos white
makes the object transparent and black makes the object solid)
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21400.3.1.6710 Re: Forms Editor
2/13/94 16:51 19/ dedwards@scs.unr.edu (Daniel T. Edwards)
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Forms Editor! I'd never use the forms editor for that. It's just too
easy in the detail editor.
Here's what to do in the Detail editor.
Select Functions/add/primitives/sphere and create a whole sphere with
a number of sides that is divisible by four. (like 24)
Select Mode/pick points.
Select Mode/pick method/dragbox.
hold down the shift key and use the cursor to capture (nearly) half the sphere
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(what you want to do is leave half a sphere, so don't select the exact middle.
select Functions/delete.
Do this again from any other view to make one quarter sphere.
if you want the quarters to look solid (not hollow), add two disks (one rotated appropriately ) then delete the parts you dont need. Then use Function/join to make them one object. Merge them if you want to too.
Now make three copies of this object and put them wherever you want them.
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has any one out there, especially Impulse or Apex, thought out a texture that would keep an object "wireframed" ? it would really be nice, for example for creating flashy objects, half wire-framed, half rendered ..... like in some adverts .....
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is anyone at APEX or IMPULSE thinking of creating a "wireframe" texture ? i.e. have a wireframe version of an object in a scanline scene. This could be very nice, imagine a half-rendered, half wire-framed object ......
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